Challenges Along The Way


It’s important to set expectations early in your behavior change plan.  Whether you are trying to quit smoking, start an exercise program or lose weight, be prepared for some challenges along the way.  It is very common to make some progress and then go backwards from time to time.  It’s what you do when that happens that will determine whether you will ultimately reach your goal.

These challenges should be viewed as learning opportunities.  When they occur, accept them for what they are, situations that caused you to deviate from your plan temporarily. They don’t mean that all is lost.  You need to step back, look at the situation and understand why there was a lapse.  Once you understand that, you can devise a plan to use when those circumstances occur again.  For instance, three weeks into your healthier eating plan, you go to an all you can eat buffet and can’t resist the temptation.  You wind up gaining 2 pounds after that.  Instead of giving up your eating plan entirely, you should learn from this.  Next time, avoid those buffets or, if you must go, fill up on water, fruits and vegetables beforehand so you won’t be able to overeat.

So, remember that it is common that the path to success is not straight or smooth when changing your behaviors.  When you get stuck or move backward, learn from the challenge and, above all, don’t use it as an excuse to give up.  Keep moving forward!  Remember two steps forward and one step back is still one step forward.

For Your Health – Dr. Bob