My Alexa Blog Skill

I am posting this rather short post to test whether I have been able to create an Alexa Skill that will read this blog. It has been challenging to get it to work, but that gave me another thing to do during this pandemic. Wish me luck!

A Few Comments on Your Submitted Comments

Given the fact that I do little in the way of promoting this blog, I get a good number of comments to my posts and I wanted to make a few comments about them in general.  About 99% of the comments I get are complimentary but without any further discussion of the topic.  I appreciate the kind words and thank those of you who submit these, but I hope you understand that I don’t post most of these since I believe the readership is more interested in further discussion of the topic rather than just seeing these flattering statements.  I do enjoy getting the positive feedback, though!

Another group of comments consists of questions about the mechanics of writing a blog.  Again, I am flattered to be asked those questions, but I’m still a novice myself and would refer you to a great book on the topic by Susan Gunelius, Blogging All-in-One For Dummies and the WordPress website  You will notice my blog is “Powered by WordPress.”  I simply used the tools they provided to choose this theme and layout.  They make it easy to post and moderate comments as well.  There are other books and blog publishers out there, but these are the resources that helped me get started.

Finally, I do get some comments from spammers thinking that I don’t moderate what they submit.  I do & trash these immediately.

Thanks for your readership & comments.  I’ll be posting more content related to the blog’s topics within the next few days.

For Your Health – Dr. Bob