Making Milestones Work For You

Usually when we are making changes to our lifestyle behaviors we have set a goal for ourselves that won’t be attained for many months.  Once we reach that goal we usually reward ourselves.  In fact, often the attainment of our goal is the reward in and of itself.  The sense of accomplishment is powerful.  Very often, our goal is related to getting a benefit or reward.  For example, a woman losing those 50 pounds she set as her goal may enable her to feel more attractive and confident when she attends her college reunion.

But if we just tie a reward to attaining our ultimate goal, we can lose the value of some motivational opportunities along the way.  This is where the concept of milestones comes in.  When writing out your plan it is a smart idea to identify some milestones along the way & link them to some small reward.  For instance, for the woman in our example, she may want to set up 10 pound milestones as she works toward her 50 pound weight loss goal.  She would tie a reward for every 10 pounds she loses.  It may be going to a movie or buying a new blouse or sweater.  Whatever reward she values would work as long as it doesn’t involve straying from her eating plan.  Ideally you should tie a due date to each milestone to help you stay on track.

So be sure to harness the power of milestones.  After all, we all respond to rewards.

For Your Health – Dr. Bob